Break through the inhibitions and meet yourself on the other side.

Breathwork for clarity and healing:

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Connect to your intuition, your healing power, and ultimately yourself.

Let go of stuck energy that is stored in your body.

Acknowledge and release blocked emotions.

Breathwork will help you:

Breathwork is your path to greater clarity, self-awareness, presence, and love.

$115 for 75 min session


The active breathing portion is followed by a period of rest to fully embody the experience.

I will provide guidance and emotional support throughout the session.

The practice is an active three-part breath done while lying down.

What a Breathwork session looks like:

– Martha

Parts of myself that had been buried deep were suddenly brought to the surface and I felt waves of acceptance, relief, and true joy. I was consumed with gratitude and peace.

This experience was vital to helping me understand myself and certain patterns of behavior more clearly. I ended the session feeling 100 pounds lighter, fully present, and peaceful.

As someone who has worked with therapists throughout my adult life, I was shocked at how much clarity and peace I felt during and after the session with Tracy.

what past clients are saying:


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Book your breathwork session today.

Break through and find yourself again.

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Book your breathwork session today.

Break through and find yourself again.